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YRE Series Editor-in-Chief

German Galileo Guerra

University of Geneva,

Geneva, Switzerland

YRE Editors

Kira Dassler

University of Zurich,

Zurich, Switzerland

Giorgia Luthi-Corridori

University Institute of Internal Medicine,

Liestal, Switzerland

Clément Meier

University of Lausanne,

Lausanne, Switzerland

Enxhi Qama

Swiss Paraplegic Research,

Nottwil, Switzerland

Benedikt Wicki

Independent Researcher,


Jessica Zafra-Tanaka

University of Geneva,

Geneva, Switzerland

YRE Information

Young Researcher Editorial (YRE) is an editorial series and training initiative of the International Journal of Public Health. PhD students of the Swiss School of Public Health edit the YRE series. The series welcomes submissions from PhD students from across the world! No article processing charges are due for YREs.

YREs address relevant public health topics - read more here.

Find published YREs here.

Contact German Galileo Guerra, YRE Series Editor-in-Chief, via