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About this Special Issue

Submission closed



This Call relates to the 5th Latin American Public Health Meeting taking place in August 2023 in Cali, Colombia. The best article award competition will take place before the meeting.

Hunger continues to increase on the planet. FAO, OXFAM and WHO, among other organizations, show that the climate crisis, wars and the COVID-19 pandemic increased hunger in the world. At the same time, the large agro-food corporations obtain exorbitant profits through the commercialization of wheat and corn, the wealth of the billionaires continues to grow and the gap between rich and poor is widening.

Popular, peasant, urban, local and international activities aim to resist these developments. They wave the flag of food sovereignty and oppose the logic of capital. They seek to maintain, recover and implement strategies to guarantee the self-determination of the people to decide what food to produce and to consume, which is opposed to the commodification of water and seeds, and, ultimately, worry about the care of life.

This Call for Papers seeks to collect studies that show the tensions between food shortages and overproduction, the right to food and public health. We are interested in receiving Original Articles and Reviews on these topics:

• Transformations in agriculture and its relationship with food dependency and hunger
• Public health-related practices and effects of food industries
• The role of self-sustaining food production practices and their relationship with public health
• Agrarian policies, organizations and social struggles
• People, peasants, various ancestral forms of agriculture and hunger

IJPH publishes gold open access. We can offer a limited number of APC waivers for first authors from low and middle-income countries through our GLOBEQUITY program (funded by swissuniversities).

For the two-step submission process, due dates and the award competition, please see the below.

Please first submit an Abstract. The editors of the Call will invite full articles based on the Abstract.

Abstracts should contain:
• The working title of the article
• Key authors and their institutional affiliations
• Article type
• The text (180 words max) structured into 4 paragraphs: objective, methods, main findings and conclusions. If you have not yet finished your analysis, you can discuss the potential significance of your work instead of presenting your main findings
• One sentence how the work contributes to the topics of the Call

Please send the Abstract by 15 November 2022 via email to the IJPH editorial office (, using the subject line “IJPH Call Hunger & Food Security”. Please note that an invitation to submit a full article is no guarantee for acceptance after peer review. For the invited full articles all IJPH rules for double-blind peer review, article types, format and article processing charges (APC) apply. Invited articles can be submitted online to the IJPH platform using the submit link on the IJPH website.

IJPH will award the best article from all accepted articles. The award includes USD 500 and a certificate. The money will be handed over directly at the conference (no bank transfer) to the award winner or a colleague designated by the IJPH Editorial Office. Please note that the award does not include a waiver for open access publication in IJPH.

The winner's article and the first author will be featured at the 5th Latin American Public Health Meeting in Cali and on the meeting website. Editors will preselect 3-4 accepted articles for the award competition. For the anonymous online voting, IJPH will invite the registered participants of the conference, the reviewers of the Call and the IJPH editors to vote for the best article based on the final abstract.

Authors should strictly follow the due dates below and submit revised versions as requested. We cannot consider requests for extension of deadlines.

Step 1
By 15 November 2022: Submission of Abstracts to
17 November 2022: We will inform authors if invited to submit a full article

Step 2
By 31 January 2023: Invited authors submit the full article to IJPH
17 June 2023: Opening of the online voting for the award competition
15 August 2023: Announcement of the winner on the Meeting website

We recommend sending in the abstracts, the invited full articles and revised versions well before due dates. Usually two rounds of reviews and revisions are required before editors can accept articles. The final version must reflect all requests for the revision. Manuscripts that are accepted after 16 June 2023 will be part of the Special Issue but will not participate in the award competition. Accepted articles will be published 3 weeks after acceptance.

If you have any questions, please contact the IJPH Editorial Office (

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: Hunger, Food sovereignty, agro-food industry, food shortage, food overproduction

Issue editors