AUTHOR=Ng Raeann , Gunatillaka Nilakshi , Skouteris Helen , Blane David , Blewitt Claire , Nielsen Suzanne , Sturgiss Elizabeth TITLE=Screening for Unstable Housing in a Healthcare Setting JOURNAL=Public Health Reviews VOLUME=44 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/phrs.2023.1606438 ISSN=2107-6952 ABSTRACT=

Objectives: To describe existing tools for screening patients for unstable housing in a healthcare setting.

Methods: A literature search was completed to retrieve articles published in the last 10 years on screening patients for unstable housing in a healthcare setting.

Results: The current literature on screening patients for homelessness in healthcare settings describes a variety of tools administered by a range of healthcare providers, but all are based in the United States.

Conclusion: The studies revealed the potential for effective screening in healthcare settings and positive engagement of patients and providers with screening. Key areas for future research include innovative methods of screening and evaluation of reliability and validity for a broader range of tools.