AUTHOR=Davies Mark , Elliott Megan , Wallace Sarah , Wallace Carolyn TITLE=Enhancing Student Wellbeing Through Social Prescribing: A Rapid Realist Review JOURNAL=Public Health Reviews VOLUME=44 YEAR=2023 URL= DOI=10.3389/phrs.2023.1605189 ISSN=2107-6952 ABSTRACT=

Objectives: A Rapid Realist Review of social prescribing in Higher Education (HE) was undertaken to determine what works, for whom, how, why, and within what circumstances. The review resulted in the development of a Realist Programme Theory articulating the way in which social prescribing can be implemented within the HE environment.

Methods: Searches of 12 electronic databases were supplemented by citation chaining and grey literature surfaced by the Project Advisory Group. The RAMESES Quality Standards for Realist Review were followed, and the retrieved articles were systematically screened and iteratively analysed to develop Context-Mechanism-Outcome Configurations (CMOCs) and an overarching Realist Programme Theory.

Results: A total of 57 documents were included. The overarching programme theory was developed from the analysis of these documents and comprised of a social prescribing pathway with the following components: (1) An Accessible Gateway, (2) A Skilled Peer, (3) Trusted-Safe-Credible Resources, and (4) A Healthy Setting.

Conclusion: A Realist Programme Theory was developed—this model and associated principles will provide a theoretical basis for the implementation of social prescribing pathways within higher education. Whilst the direct project outputs are of particular significance to the UK HE audience, the underpinning principles can support practice within the global arena.