Data on disability in refugees is lacking, hindering effectiveness of humanitarian response. We investigated disability condition in refugees, identifying possible mechanisms that affect their health.
The Washington Group Short Set – Enhanced was used to identify people at risk experiencing disability. Data on migration routes were collected and the relationship with functioning limitations was explored.
483 refugees (58.18% males - 41.82% female) were interviewed. 23.8% were found to have a disability, with a higher risk for those who travelled along the central Mediterranean route OR (95% CI) 2.08 (1.33–3.24). Affect domain represented the main weight for disability (28.16%), followed by mobility limitation (8.28%). People who travelled across the central Mediterranean route were found to have a high risk of developing anxiety problems OR (95% CI) 2.19 (1.33–3.6), while people who crossed the Balkan route had a higher risk of mobility limitation OR (95% CI) 3.03 (1.23–7.44).
This study provides the first available data on disability among refugees in Italy, revealing a high prevalence of disability and a significant association with migration routes. These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted health and rehabilitation interventions to address the specific vulnerabilities of this population.